Thursday, 3 October 2013

Beer drinkers pee a lot

 I went to the Moa Brewery 2013 Annual General Meeting where the poor financial results were washed down with some of the company's fine crafted beers. You may imagine, I surveyed the room for likely suspects for dryfella products and the majority were in the 'age group.'

 I got chatting to one fellow and after commiserations on Moa's performance I shared with him that my wife and I are having a go at eCommerce. He was fascinated and even more intrigued when I told him what we are selling. [See what we are up to at]

Now what about this..... !
He's retired and plays the share market for entertainment. For petty cash and to stay 'involved,' he packs shelves at a Pak'n Save supermarket. He was quick to tell me all the men's incontinence products are right down at floor level where men have to get on their knees to find stuff. And their range is very limited. That's another reason why we started dryfellas! He was quite encouraging.

But [sorry] I have to share this with you.

I went to the toilet before I left the venue. Many men at the function were obviously poor shots at the toilet bowl. Heaps clearly needed an ATTENDS shield, or  PROTECT or FORMULA 1 pad. Then the floor in the toilet would not have been awash with urine. Or, all they needed to do was wipe with a piece of toilet paper before they drip everywhere. Worse, this was a unisex toilet - imagine what women would have had to cope with. I reported it the staff as I left, so I hope they cleaned things up.

[Postscript - Moa shares have since made a slight comeback.]

The dryfellas

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